Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Riger DB102 Router Mode

Go to

* Username: tmadmin
* Password: tmadmin

Then you will see this above page. Go and click at the WAN Tab and click at PPP.

Set the new interface as:

* PPP interface = 0
* ATM VC = aal5-0
* Protocol = PPoE
* Use DNS = enable
* Security = PAP

Don’t forget to set your username as USERNAME@streamyx and also your TMNet Streamyx password. When done, click Submit.

Click on ATM VC and make sure interface are set as:

* aal5-0 VPI = 0
* VCI = 35
* Max proto = 2

After that, click on Admin and then Commit and then Reboot Once it’s done you should check your Internet connectivity by loading your favorite website.

If you’re unable to go to, please make sure that your PC IP is in the range of 192.168.1.x.


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