Monday, April 5, 2010

Installing Compiz on Fedora 12

Installing Compiz on Fedora 12

Installing Compiz on Fedora 12 is not easy. First of all, due to compatibility issues with nouveau driver, additional steps are required to install and configure nvidia 3D driver. After resolving 3D driver issue, you need to modify Compiz configuration file so that your settings are captured. The installation procedure is the same for 32-bit/64-bit Fedora 12.

Installing Compiz

Issue the following command to install Compiz:

* #yum install emerald-themes compiz-fusion-extras emerald compiz-fusion compiz-manager compiz-fusion-extras-gnome gnome-compiz-manager libcompizconfig compiz-fusion-gnome ccsm

Configuring Compiz

CCSM Problem

You can change the settings using CompizConfig Settings Manager (ccsm) under System >> Preference. However, due to some bug, the changes in ccsm will not affect the system. To rectify this problem you need to change the script file for Compiz in /usr/bin/compiz-gtk

Once you open this file, change the following line from:

* exec compiz –ignore-desktop-hints glib gconf gnomecompat $@


* exec compiz –ignore-desktop-hints glib gconf gnomecompat ccp $@

Enabling, Configuring and Using Compiz

You enabled Compiz by select System >> Preference >> Desktop Effect. Choose Compiz.

You can change the effects using System >> Preference >> CompizConfig Settings Manager

To rotate the Window Cube, press Ctrl+Alt and simultaneously use your mouse to rotate the window.

If you are new Linux user, it is recommended that you follow the step mentioned above.

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